Your Name, Address, Telephone No.
How did you find me?
Have you owned a Basenji before?
If answering "No", do you have any experience with the breed?
If answering "Yes" above, please give details.
What research have you done on Basenjis?
What is your expectation of this breed?
What type of home do you live in?
Do you own your own home?
If renting, does your Landlord allow pets?
Please give contact details of Landlord
Are you in regular employment?
Are you a student?
Do you have a fenced yard?
If you have children, please give their ages
If you have other pets, please give details
Have you ever returned a dog to the breeder?
If answering "Yes" above, please give details
Have you ever given a pet to a shelter?
Is there anyone at home during the day, or parts of the day?
Are you willing to crate train your puppy?
Which family member will be primarily responsible for the puppy's welfare?
Does everyone in the family want a dog?
If answering "No", please give details
Are you interested in a Basenji now, or at some point in the future?
What attracted you to the Basenji?
Are you interested in
If indicating a preference, is there any particular reason for this?
Are you interested in a puppy or an adult?
Do you have a colour preference? If so, please indicate below
Do you intend to spay/neuter when the puppy is old enough?
If answering "No" above, please give details
Do you intend to start breeding?
Do you understand the difference between full, and limited, registration?
Does anyone in your household suffer from allergies?
Have you read that the Basenji is "hypoallergenic"?
If answering "Yes" above, was this a factor in your choice of breed?
Do you intend to take your puppy to an obedience class?
Would you like more information on the breed? If so, please indicate and I will forward breed-specific info to you
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