Roll out the wood stove
It has been quite a while since my last entry, and for many different reasons. December is fast approaching, and December means .. puppies, as well as Santa, Snow and roaring fires. Here we have three litters of puppies to look forward to, two sired by Donald and one by Spades, and thankfully the patter of so many tiny feet will not be stampeding all over this house but will be spread around geographically!
We have had one fall of snow which is now melting, but that has not stopped us from lighting fires, enjoyable for all concerned, particularly the dogs who lose no time in basking by the flames. Here we have Figo and Cherry beside the roaring fire -
Tara and Donald preferred to sprawl on the stairs which are just behind Figo, as the sun happened to be flooding in (double heat benefits).
“How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards”