The patter of tiny feet ...
Hot on the heels of my recent post, I received the following announcement.
It is not often I am lost for words but this could be one of those times…
So as they float in their romantic heart-shaped bubbles, let us wish Spades and Madam every joy, and I hope she forgives him for being an absent father. For information on this litter, please contact Africanadian Basenjis.
Meanwhile, Figo (Horsleys Sirurekatar) is expanding and tucking into three meals daily with great gusto. There are at least 3 weeks to go but she is becoming impressively large. Hopefully she will not mind my failure to create a romantic announcement like the one above, but as she sees herself as a Princess with a capital “P” I shall just have to keep her away from the computer.
Pass the dog biscuits!