Hoosier Specialty
We recently took a trip down to Indiana to the Hoosier Basenji Club specialty and the all breeds shows surrounding it. Once again, America was kind to us and Donald and Cherry both won another 3 point major on the first day of the all breeds shows. Cherry also picked up RWB the following day and again at the Hoosier specialty itself. We spent time with some old friends and made a few new ones.
We also won a new dog bed in the Hoosier raffle - which Figo promptly appropriated. As it is black and white she is a good match. Thankfully the weather was not as hot as I had been expecting and I managed to park under a tree (the shade it offered was more psychological than actual) but the temperatures were pretty reasonable - especially at 8.00 in the morning which is when we were in the ring 3 out of the 4 days. Here are Donald and Cherry in the ring. Photos by Khur.
So Donald now has 8 points towards his American title and Cherry has 7. They each have both the majors they need and our next shows will be in Wisconsin at the two all breeds shows, plus the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin specialty - just before the National. I won’t be exhibiting at the National but look forward to sitting at ringside and watching.